Congregational Singing
At Forest Ridge, we believe the church should gather together and sing praise to our God. While we include many instraments, we believe the worship gathering should focus more on God and less on ourselves. We aim to steer away from production and towards the praise of our King.

Expository Sermons
We do not shy away from the Word of God. We preach messages straight from the Bible without apology. Usually we walk verse by verse through a single book of the Bible with and occasional break for events or holidays.

One of the cornerstones of Forest Ridge is fellowship. For this reason, we often don't start the service until 11:05. We are commanded by Scripture to gather with the saints and to share life with one another. That happens on Sunday Morning and throughout the week.
We know you might have questions about our worship services. Look below for FAQs, or email us with additional questions.
What Do I Do With My Kids?
At Forest Ridge we love worshipping together with the entire body of Christ. For this reason, we ask kids Pre-K through 4th Grade to attend the Worship Gathering and then go to their Gospel Project classes during the sermon. You can learn more about the different classes for children under the growing tab of the website.
*Nursery is provided for the entire worship service.
*Nursery is provided for the entire worship service.
When Should I Arrive?
The Sunday Morning service begins at 11AM. You do not need to arrive earlier than 10:45AM to grab coffee, enjoy fellowship and find a seat. As mentioned above, we often find ourselves enjoying fellowship past 11:05AM, so you don't need to worry about being late. Being late is always better than not coming!
What Should I Wear?
We have a very relaxed and casual atmosphere and Forest Ridge. You won't see many ties, but you'll see about the same number of button ups as sweat pants. Please don't feel the need to dress to impress, but wear what you feel most comfortable in.
How Long Does the Service Last?
Our Sunday Worship services usually last between one hour and one hour and fifteen minutes.