Ted Rastatter
Lead Pastor
Ted loves Jesus and his people. He and his wife Andrea live in Forest Ridge with their daughters, June and Kate and have been a part of Forest Ridge Baptist Church since 2017. In his free time, Ted enjoys making pottery and writing music.

Marites Harger
Marites has been with Forest Ridge as the Secretary since 2013,
She loves cooking and trying new recipes; She was born and raised Filipino and she enjoy watching K-dramas!
She loves cooking and trying new recipes; She was born and raised Filipino and she enjoy watching K-dramas!

Carter Moran
Worship Leader/Gathering Director
Carter is a loving husband to his wife Kelsey and father to their baby, Asaph. Carter loves Jesus and his people and is an exquisite drummer.

Mandy Brewer
Family Ministry Director
Mandy and her husband John live in Huber Heights and joined Forest Ridge Baptist Church in 2019. She has a passion for teaching the Gospel to children, and leads the Family Ministry team. At home, her 2 beautiful children keep her busy.

Nathan Athineos
Youth Ministry Director
Nathan is as Greek as they come. He loves food, Jesus, his wife Grace, and the Church (Not necessarily in that order).

Grace Athineos
Youth Ministry Director
Grace loves Jesus and his people, and puts up with Nathan's eating habits. She is incredibly gifted by God to love people like Jesus.

Ted Rastatter
Ted loves Jesus and his people. He and his wife Andrea live in Forest Ridge with their daughters, June and Kate and have been a part of Forest Ridge Baptist Church since 2017. In his free time, Ted enjoys making pottery and writing music.

John Brewer
John, his wife Mandy, and their son J.D. joined Forest Ridge in 2019. John works as an engineer and likes tinkering on anything from cars to woodworking.

Jerry Shiver
Jesus saved Jerry and Forest Ridge was the first place he went. Jerry is married to his wife Teresa. He loves his grandkids and serving the church.

Jason Finke
Jason has attended Forest Ridge Baptist Church since 1988. He and his wife, Caitlin, have four children - Ainsley, Caleb, Julia, and Elias. Jason enjoys sports, trivia, and reading nonfiction.

Deb Puente
Deacon of Widows
Deborah is married to Daniel, and they have two adult children; Michael and Victoria. She has been a member of FRBC for 17 years. She enjoys visiting the shut-in members of our church, teaching, jewelry making, playing cards/ board games and reading.

Cliff Bulmaster
Deacon of Finance
Cliff and his wife, Andrea started attending Forest Ridge Baptist over seven years ago. Their two sons, Lincoln and Nolan, have grown up here at Forest Ridge. Cliff loves taking the family camping and spending time outdoors.

Mandy Brewer
Deacon of Women's Ministry
Mandy and her husband John live in Huber Heights and joined Forest Ridge Baptist Church in 2019. She has a passion for teaching the Gospel to children, and leads the Family Ministry team. At home, her 2 beautiful children keep her busy.